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    IntuitionX is a platform devoted to trans-disciplinary research, tackling the relationship between Modern and Contemporary Art, and the technological innovations that are bringing our species to the dawn of a new era.


    “Antiquity for me is supreme beauty: it is the initiation to the infinite splendour of things eternal.”




    “Intuition is the source of scientific knowledge. Wise people have an inward sense of what is beautiful, and the highest wisdom is to trust this intuition and be guided by it.”



  • It is with a certain sense of anticipation that I open a new chapter in my 30 years foray into culture.


    Through the intuitionX platform, I choose to make public the pursuit of my endeavour, taking as a springboard the program of my Berlin art gallery, where I have explored for six years to great personal satisfaction, and also to quite significant public acclaim, the relationship between Modern and Contemporary Art.


    As my research 2.0, though, I posit that however contemporary art is, the moment it exists, it immediately enters the past. So essentially, the scope of my research so far has always been turned to times foregone.


    By contrast, I’ve come to the realisation that we stand at a momentous point in the evolution of our species.


    I have decided therefore to engage with the fascinating, although at times frightening developments in science, while at the same time examining the ways in which the realisation of our dreams might in fact be rooted in Antiquity.



  • Innovative thoughts

    Let the experts speak their mind.


    Intuition Is The Highest Form Of Intelligence


    In some respects, intuition could be thought of as a clear understanding of collective intelligence.


    Although this may be a paraphrase of his thoughts on the subject, Albert Einstein has been widely quoted as saying, "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift."

    Humans are at the forefront of what could be the first major shift of evolution in over a billion years

    “We may be witnessing the first new origin event,” said Astro-biologist Caleb Scharf, the director of the Columbia Astrobiology Center at Columbia University, New York, in a video interview with Tech Insider.


    A sprint period in the endurance race of evolution may already be underway thanks to our interaction with the technology we are creating — and that sprint could get even faster when we consider the technologies around the corner.

  • Who we are

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    Focusing on thematically curated exhibitions that juxtapose modern and contemporary art, Akim Monet Side by Side Gallery moves beyond a singular chronological presentation in order to reveal converging and lasting influences.

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    About Akim Monet

    Since founding a contemporary art center in Switzerland 25 years ago, Monet, b.1968, has successfully conducted business in Paris, London, Hong Kong, Shanghai and Tokyo. He worked for ten years in New York privately and as the director of sales for North America of legendary Picasso dealer Jan Krugier.


    As an advisor to several eminent private collectors, Monet has discreetly handled important works by Édouard Manet, Auguste Rodin, Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, George Grosz, Emil Nolde and Francis Bacon, as well as by Yves Klein, Andy Warhol, Anselm Kiefer and Damien Hirst.


    In addition to his position as managing director of the Side by Side Gallery, Akim Monet remains active as principal of the private consulting firm Monet Art Advisory, which offers advice to clients on building collections, selling works discreetly and buying and selling at auction.


    Akim Monet is an alumnus of Institut Le Rosey, and a graduate of Cornell University.

  • Our Core Values

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    Always Ahead

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    A Small-Town Feel

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    A sentence or two describing this item. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

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    Enjoy the Journey

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    A sentence or two describing this item. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

  • Contact Us

    Don't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.

    Akim Monet Side by Side Gallery
    Potsdamer Strasse 81b
    DE 10785 Berlin
    Wed-Sat 12-6pm
    +49-30-25 46 09 44
  • Impressum

    English version below

    Verantwortlich für die Planung, Realisierung und Betreuung der Internetinhalte sowie für die Administration der Domain ist:


    Side by Side Gallery Akim Monet GmbH
    Potsdamer Strasse 81b DE 10785 Berlin

    Tel. +49-30-25 46 09 44
    Fax +49-30-25 46 09 45


    Rechtsform: GmbH
    HRB 134874 B Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
    Geschäftsführer: Akim Monet




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